I’m a humor blog, dammit. And I’m not even a little funny this week. Here’s why.
Every time I almost walk into a wall, I look up from my (phone/book/feet) and near miss it.
Wearing my contacts in the wrong eyes causes migraines, not chuckles.
I avoided sitting next to the creepy old man with the dress pants and white t-shirt on the train by sitting in the vestibule area.
I almost threw up during yoga, but God didn’t want me to have THAT story on the record.
Every time I almost fall down, I catch myself.
I haven’t had to run to the train or lost my pants in the process.
My experiment with gluten free appears to be over. (PS: It didn’t help.) (PPS: Nothing funny came of my last minute decision to eat the gluten. Nothing! No amusing poop stories or anything.)
This is my last full week as a contractor. On the 19th, I start as a full time employee with the company I’ve been contracting with. While this is exciting news, it’s not very funny.
I could only come up with 8 (well I guess this makes 9) reasons.
Maybe I should wear the wheelie sneaks to work today…
9 Responses
I don’t really do “funny.” I’m more of a “ranty” girl. The closest I could come up with is this…
Actually, this one is still ranty, but involves a lot of falling down, so maybe it could count for funny…
Those are both excellent posts. The skiing one reminded me of my own skiing adventures…although yours didn’t end quite as painfully as mine, thankfully!
today’s bi-weekly blog post is about my veggie peeler’s attempt to murder me. It COULD be considered funny… http://www.morethansweetpotatoes.blogspot.com
Also, do you follow me yet? I follow you….my ex-co-blogger….
LOL. Yes and yes.
How ’bout a 50+ guy trying to look good dancing to rockabilly music? Now that is pretty funny. No fancy swing moves; kinda like “dad dancing” at the wedding
I can shake my booty with the best of them though.
I’ve actually seen that happen! I used to hang in the rockabilly scene for a while… LOL
Sorry your not feeling funny. Here’s a song to cheer you up. http://nebulousmooch.com/2013/07/25/humpty-dumpty-pump-bump/
Thanks! That totally made me smile~!