How I Embarrassed Myself in Front of The Bloggess for a Good Cause (In 500 Words or Less) (with photos)
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I’ll get to the point fast. The good cause? Katie’s impending 30th birthday. But the how I embarrassed myself part in 500 words or less? Here goes:
(Note: I’m speaking really fast in my mind, so I highly recommend that you read it equally as fast in your mind.)
So I was excited to meet Jenny Lawson, and I had a plan to get her to sign a book for Katie, my butter-churning sister from a past life who also happens to WRITE a BOOK blog. And through her book blog (which she began after I gave her a guest post on my blog when she was going by the pseudonym Penny, for like 5 minutes) I discovered Jenny’s book, Let’s Pretend this Never Happened, which I read and laughed hysterically at. Katie also was the instigator in directing me to The Bloggess’ Blog. And insisting that I comment and follow through to the other blogs from other people who comment. And thus began my whirlwind trip into a blogging community.
And so I practiced telling Jenny all about how Katie was my best friend ever. And how she wanted to be there. And how I was surprising her with the book. And basically rambled everything that I just wrote in the previous paragraph to poor Jenny. And of course, I said “hi” like 15 times. And I told her she was “fantastic” like 15 times. And apologized for being such a freak, because I was so nervous. And then I forgot to say anything witty. Or clever. Or adorable. Or intelligent, really. I didn’t even tell her about my best friend Ally, who was RIGHT THERE, pulling the camera/phone away from my shaking hand so that she could take pictures of me and Jenny.
Ally and I waiting for the arrival of The BloggessWhile we were waiting, Katie sent me this gem of a photo with the text: So sad that I’m not there! (She had NO IDEA I had a book to be signed for her!Check out the sweet metal chicken reading a mini book!She’s like, the most awesome person ever. I love her more now than I did before.While waiting for my number (when Jenny would sign the books) I met the coolest people ever! I want that hair sooo bad! And the skirt. Apparently she wore the skirt the last time they met Jenny. How fun are they?After I rambled about Katie for 5 minutes, AND showed the sad face text picture…she wrote this!And then, just to show you how awesome Jenny is…she was all, “let’s pretend she’s here!” and put her arm around invisible Katie.
That Jenny Lawson is one cool chick. I’ve got more Adventures with The Bloggess posts to come.
So Blog Friends, have you ever been embarrassed in front of someone you admire?
A dreamer and a klutz, Chrissy is the sole proprietor of this blog. Her lifelong aspirations include owning a cheese shop, writing several books, and being played by someone famous in the movie version of her life.
This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me that I wasn’t present for. Christine, my love for you goes through walls. Thick ones. CINDERBLOCKS.
You must get this book! I read when I go to bed. My husband falls asleep next to me. I was laughing so hard reading it that I had to get up and go in the bathroom so I wouldn’t wake him up. It is that funny!
Adorable! Katie is so lucky to have an awesome friend like you! And is it just me, or do you and the cute chick with pink hair look like you could totally be sisters?!
PS. I would have totally have worn that pink tutu when I was in college (it would have gone fantastically with my purple streaked hair and belly chain that I threaded through my navel ring). However, now that I’m old and boring…. well, I’d probably still wear it.
This is so great. You are such a good friend! The Bloggess is awesome. I am green with envy and full of happy friendship feelings all at the same time. I love that you pretended Katie was there. So much fun and so much awesome in one blog post.
OMG my boob also feel out but it was in swim class in college and I put the stupid one piece on backwards cos i thought it was cuter that way but the back was way lower than the front and there it goes popping out and I was MORTIFIED. never went back.
I read it fast, and feel in love with you all over again and the Bloggess too! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that she put her arm around the imaginary Katie. SO COOOOOOL!
Craig Silvey (wrote Jasper Jones which would probably be in my top 10 of all time) gave a talk at a local university. He’s young, reasonably attractive and gave a fairly nerdy talk about how he came up with his latest book. Swoon. So afterwards he’s signing his new book and when it’s my turn I start babbling like a teenage girl – I am in my (early!) 40s. In my head I’m yelling at myself to SHUT UP but the dribble kept coming. He very graciously thanked me and kindly didn’t ask anyone to get rid of the crazy lady.
Now I know friendship is not about keeping score, but if it was, this earned you eleventy billion BFF points.
33 Responses
This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me that I wasn’t present for. Christine, my love for you goes through walls. Thick ones. CINDERBLOCKS.
You two… I love you two… I love your friendship… So awesome!!
We love you!
No. I have not. Unless you count the time my boob fell out of my bathing suit in front of a professor from graduate school. So I guess yes.
OMG. I think I just laughed so loud the neighbors heard me. LOL. That. Is. Amazing. And Terrible.
Dude, anytime I *think* I am having a bad day I am going to remember this. Nothing beats this embarrassing moment…nothing!
I love everything about this post.
That is so cute!! I loved the whole story!! Must get the book now!
You must get this book! I read when I go to bed. My husband falls asleep next to me. I was laughing so hard reading it that I had to get up and go in the bathroom so I wouldn’t wake him up. It is that funny!
You should DEFINITELY get the book. I laughed my ass off. And she’s amazing.
Adorable! Katie is so lucky to have an awesome friend like you! And is it just me, or do you and the cute chick with pink hair look like you could totally be sisters?!
PS. I would have totally have worn that pink tutu when I was in college (it would have gone fantastically with my purple streaked hair and belly chain that I threaded through my navel ring). However, now that I’m old and boring…. well, I’d probably still wear it.
I’m not above wearing a pink tutu to BlogHer… I’m just saying.
That chick was awesome! And so is Katie. And so are YOU!
PLEASE PLEASE let me in on the pink tutu to BlogHer thing if it happens!
This is so great. You are such a good friend! The Bloggess is awesome. I am green with envy and full of happy friendship feelings all at the same time. I love that you pretended Katie was there. So much fun and so much awesome in one blog post.
Awww so much love. 🙂 Do not be green. Be pink. It’s prettier.
OMG my boob also feel out but it was in swim class in college and I put the stupid one piece on backwards cos i thought it was cuter that way but the back was way lower than the front and there it goes popping out and I was MORTIFIED. never went back.
AGH! That sounds horrible. I think I did that with the bathing suit backwards once…and realized immediately that it was not working for me.
You’re so lucky you got to meet the Bloggess. She is hilarious.
She cracks me up. She’s even funnier in person!
You’re a great friend! So glad you had a wonderful time! Thanks for speedwriting, I speedread. 🙂
Aww thanks! I’m glad someone gets my speedwriting!
I read it fast, and feel in love with you all over again and the Bloggess too! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that she put her arm around the imaginary Katie. SO COOOOOOL!
Hahaha! The Bloggess is AMAZING. LOVE her.
Craig Silvey (wrote Jasper Jones which would probably be in my top 10 of all time) gave a talk at a local university. He’s young, reasonably attractive and gave a fairly nerdy talk about how he came up with his latest book. Swoon. So afterwards he’s signing his new book and when it’s my turn I start babbling like a teenage girl – I am in my (early!) 40s. In my head I’m yelling at myself to SHUT UP but the dribble kept coming. He very graciously thanked me and kindly didn’t ask anyone to get rid of the crazy lady.
Now I know friendship is not about keeping score, but if it was, this earned you eleventy billion BFF points.
That is pretty much EXACTLY how I was. I did the same thing when I met Adam Podlesh (who is a punter for the Bears). I’m an embarrassment to myself.
I love the Bloggess so much!! WOW! I’m so incredibly jealous of you right now.
It was pretty flippin’ cool. We’re like…besties now 😉 (#NotReally)
You are *this much* closer to royalty to me because you SPOKE TO JENNY LAWSON. What a cool story. Love.
I did. And she, like…was nice to me. She’s amazing. I can’t wait to see her in Chicago in a few months for her book tour!