Have I shared this before? Because it’s amazing. Sloths are the best. And very interesting.
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Have I shared this before? Because it’s amazing. Sloths are the best. And very interesting.
9 Responses
You know who would DIE seeing this? Kristen Bell. If you haven’t seen her flip out about Sloths, youtube “Kristen Bell Sloth Ellen.”
oh yeah, I’ve totally seen that. I shared it on one of my sloth posts.
Did you see this one?
Yes! OMG, After I read that, I was so jealous that I contacted a local wild animal acquirer to find out exactly how much it would cost to borrow a sloth for a day…
let’s just say…out of my price range.
Sloths have always scared me a little bit. I think it’s the claws.
awww! BUT they’re so cute!
I love this entire series of videos that this guy does.
“It’s camouflage mf’er, mind your own business.” I’m still laughing my ass off at that line. Awesome video!