This is it, Blog Friends. The big move. Today is my last day commuting on the BNSF Metra train line for a while. If you recall, we’re currently moving into Brian’s dad’s house while we begin the hunt for our very own house. As our new residence is only a temporary one, we may return to this commute someday soon, but we won’t know until we find our house. (Which is the most exciting thing EVER. I’m going to have SO MUCH TO TELL YOU. After I’m done packing up all of the shit I’ve accumulated in the last 18 months….or 31 years. One of those.)
But I wanted to reflect on the things I’m going to miss about this particular train line, because it’s been my daily commute for almost a year now. (And I’ve been riding the train for over a year.)
In no particular order,
5 Things I’m Going to Miss About my Train Line
- Train buddies. It’s funny, when I was younger, I dated a guy who had a daily commute to the city and he would talk about having drinks with his train buddies, and I was just like…that’s a thing? Weird. And then I started taking the train every day. And I was in the same spot every day. And in the mornings, I stand in the first car vestibule. Every day. I know the conductor. I know the people. Because we’re in the same spot for 25 minutes every. Single. Day. And you jump into a conversation here or there (which Brian HATES that I do) and the next thing you know, you’re on a first name basis, telling everyone your life story. And then you’re buddies. And you’ll miss them when you leave.
- The funny conductor. My morning conductor, whose name is always on the tip of my tongue, but I can never remember, is hysterical. He’s always grumbling and making fun of Metra like it’s his job. I like him because he remembers me and doesn’t make me pull my pass out every morning. He also makes fun of the mean conductor (who was in charge of the cars that I originally sat in). He’s quite a likable fellow. Even though he rarely smiles.
- 25 minute commute time. I’m super lucky to have been living in a hub of commuters. Downers Grove is an express train line, and it’s the last stop on the inbound express. Which means I get on the train, and it’s non-stop to Union Station. I’m going to miss that when I have a 45 minute train commute…tacking on lots and lots of extra time to my day.
- The fancy pants grocery store. So on our way home, we get off the train and there’s this adorbs grocery store that has delicious cheese for me and pico de gallo for Brian. It’s pretty much everything we need in our kitchen. Right there. So convenient. So delicious. I asked Brian the other day, “OMG where I am I going to get my cheese!? There are no fancy grocery stores or even Trader Joe’s nearby! I’m going to have to drive an hour to get cheese.” But then I remembered the cheese shop 4 blocks from my office and I could breath again.
- The evening conductor. Brian hates that I strike up conversations with strangers and he randomly gets sucked into them. HATES it. But I do. And he does. And one of those people is the evening conductor on our train. While we have separate commutes in the morning, Brian and I often train home together. And we sit in the same seats in the same car every day. And our conductor always stops and chats with us. More recently, he discovered that we are not, in fact, married. And now he teases Brian about it. Which makes me laugh.
It basically feels like I’m moving schools or leaving a job or something. It’s sad. Apparently wherever I go, I build my own little community. I love that about me.
10 Responses
My morning and afternoon is remarkably dull most days. In the mornings it’s often praying to the campus parking gods for a good parking spot rather than out in the effing boonies. In the afternoon it’s just a short 20 minute drive home on side streets hoping like hell people don’t tailgate me. They usually do. And I’m usually doing five miles above the speed limit. Damn Vegas drivers.
I hate people who tailgate me. It’s a surefire way to get me to slow down though!
We moved and I miss getting into my car and driving home from work. I miss the quietness of the drive and the free feeling of being done with work for the day.
Maybe one day again.
Awww. I can’t imagine that kind of move!
I can see why you will miss the commute. You are an extrovert par excellence. The evening conductor seems like my kind of guy. Brian needs to be reminded to carpe diem! 😉
LOL. Yep. All of those things.
I don’t have that in my own commute but I envy it. It’s the same reason I want a neighborhood bar or diner where everyone knows me!
Yes! I grew up in a neighborhood bar where everyone knew me (I mean, I was the owner’s daughter, but still…it was home).
I’m glad you survived the move. Send me your mailing address, ’cause ya know….Birthday Cards.
I’m loving my new route to work. I can pull it off in 20minutes or less. It’s awesome.
I’m so jealous of your 20 minute commute. We went from an hour door to door to an hour and a half door to door. Mailing address on the way.