Okay, so a few years ago, I made an adult gift guide, and it WASN’T full of naughty things. It was just stuff for grown-ups. But this one is full of relatively tame (listen, I get that I’m still Susie Snowflake over here), but still NSFW gift ideas. So if you’re precious about fucks and such, might I recommend heading over to my clean, all-ages grab bag gift guide.
For the rest of you who are all in on the Dirty Secret Santa or Naughty White Elephant gifts, I’ve got a few really great ideas for you! But be forewarned, unless you’ve got a really cool office, these might not be the right choice. And family might not be down with some of these ideas, unless, again, you’ve got a really cool fam.
Random Fucking Gifts
Jar of fucks ($13) This was literally one of the greatest grab bag/white elephant gifts I’ve literally ever received. It brings me so much joy whenever I look at the fucks I have to give, even when I have no fucks to give. (And yes, I really had to go there. A lot.)
F Bomb ornament ($12) I love an F bomb. This wood carved ornament with a big red F is an excellent gift. I know I’d fight for it in the White Elephant game.
Middle finger ring box ($13) Another gift I’ve received and LOVED, this ring box literally slayed me. I could not stop cackling when it was presented to me by my friend, Rob, when I desperately needed a good laugh.
Missionary candle tin ($15) How very vanilla of you. Okay, but seriously, Crummy Dumpster has a lot of hilarious and random gift ideas including totally unique socks, candles, and holiday gear.
A bag of fresh produce (varies) Wanna make everyone laugh like hyenas? Give a bag of fresh phallic produce (banana, cucumber, zucchini, carrot, yellow squash, eggplant). It’s just ridiculous enough to work (as a joke. probably).
Funny Ass Gifts
SpongeBob butt magnets ($6) These are so funny. They have SpongeBob, Patrick, and the rest of the crew. The magnets hold pens or little post-it notes, and I cannot stop cackling about giving them as gifts.
Cat butt ornaments ($11-$20) These crochet creature bottoms are hilarious in their own right. Perfect for crazy cat ladies and people who love a good laugh.
Chicken butt gifts (varies) An entire generation of humans was raised on Guess what? Chicken butt jokes, and I am among those people. So to this day, I still cackle laugh when I get an unexpected chicken butt joke.
Uncensored Adults-Only Party Games
Telestrations After Dark ($20) Who doesn’t love a little Telestrations in their life? Drawing and magic plus naughty prompts makes for a super fun grab bag prize.
Taboo Uncensored ($20) Forbidden words get a little darker and more devious in this adults-only edition.
5 Second Rule Uncensored ($10) I haven’t played the naughty version, but I love the main version of this game, so I’m sure it’s equally fun. And cheap.
(Also, fun note 0/10 stars, do not recommend Dirty Minds. It’s just a meh game at best).
If you’re looking for more gifts, you can check out this cool and unique gift idea list on my Amazon storefront for plenty of ideas (make sure you bookmark it so that you can shop from it any time). I update the lists and add new ones regularly