I genuinely cannot believe that April is here already. I know we say things like this every month/year/decade/whatever, but it feels like a whole new world up in this place. Last March was about a year in length, but for me, this March was about 5.25 minutes.

The rapidity likely stems from my March 16 surgery, which went smashingly with (fingers and toes crossed) super positive results. Most of my complaints have been side effects of drugs (which I quit taking after about a week), after-effects of being intubated, or allergic reactions to the glue on medical tape. I had my two-week follow-up yesterday, and the doctor was all, “People like you are the reason we have limitations and restrictions” — I’m still not allowed to bend at the waist, twist, lift, push, or pull. Basically, because I still have a lot of life left in my disc, they don’t want to risk a second herniation while my insides heal and such, even though I pretty much feel like a million bucks. I’m pretty dang lucky.

I spent the morning informing ANYONE who would listen that I did not anesthesia well (and it had changed my life so profoundly at the age of 20 that I was strictly in favor of being unplugged if ever on life support), and I was hella grateful that I did not suffer from the anesthesia hell that was my last surgery nearly two decades ago. I woke up cheerful and awake as ever — underneath that delicious warm air, foil blanket. And shortly before they kicked Brian out of the pre-op room and rolled me through a bunch of storage rooms into an OR, I whispered to him, “Hey if something goes wrong, and they put me on life support, I don’t want to die. I’m just saying.”
In early March, I built a team and participated in my third GISH mini hunt (4th GISH hunt, in general). I played dress-up and built a book castle in my front room and did a bunch of other weird things for a good cause.
I participated in about half the Disneybound challenge on Instagram this month, sticking to all athleisure loungewear because of my surgery, but I’m pretty proud of the bounds I managed to put together. (Special shout out to Brian who helped me get dressed half the month).

Last week, I lost a dear friend to cancer, and while I’m still processing my own grief, I wanted to remind you to make the phone call, visit the friend, send the text, or whatever it is you keep thinking about doing and putting off or forgetting about. I was so grateful that I had called and spoken to my friend (stupid Covid meant I hadn’t seen her in over a year) on the phone and not just a brief text message before she passed. My friend Andra would tell you to go out and make a memory, and I can’t emphasize how right she is.

Now for the monthly pupdate…
Nia has been an absolute angel throughout this post-surgery life. Well, for me anyway. She’s extra demanding of Brian because she’s down half a parent and still without many friends to play with. Her schnauzer puppy pal Daisy did stop by for a Saturday afternoon of “chase” and “no, that’s my toy” and “stop eating my treatos.”
What I’m writing
A day of lasts: At the beginning of the pandemic
When nightmares become reality
(I am not turning down) my shot: a parody song about the Covid 19 vaccine
Ten things I love about me: A GISH challenge
A PUNishment for Felicia Day who doesn’t like puns
I’ve got lots of word babies in the works right now, and can’t wait to share some of the progress with you!
What I’m watching
Punky Brewster (Peacock) – Rewatching the 80s classic on the background while I do stuff first. I’ll keep you posted when I move on to the new show.
The Queen’s Gambit (Netflix) – Wow. I can’t believe we waited this long to start watching. SO good.
The Falcon and Winter Soldier (Disney+) – I think I’m going to like this better than Wandavision. And I loved Wandavision.
Coming 2 America (Prime Video) – If you loved the original, you won’t be disappointed here. We watched both on the same night, and it was super fun.
Raya and the Last Dragon (Disney+) – I’ve watched it twice already, once with Brian and once with my niece and Mom. I love it. Top 20 for sure. If it had music, it might have made it to my top 10.
What I’m reading
A Court of Silver Flames – Sarah J Maas 9/10 The fifth (or fourth if you want to discount that extended holiday special that was the previous book, which I kinda do if we’re being honest) installment in the A Court of Thorns and Roses fantasy romance series is the best, most powerful, and sexiest in the series to date, by far. I devoured it, and Brian, well, I guess he didn’t hate it.
What I’m playing
If you’re wondering why my reading was so light this month…blame the New York Times
New York Times Crossword Puzzles (We’re on a 37-day streak. We always finish, though we usually take a long ass time to do it and often have to learn a few new things in the process)
New York Times Sodoku (I forgot how addictive this game can be. I try to finish all three every day, and sometimes long for more of them before I realize I would lose all of my time to them if I could.)
New York Times Spelling Bee (I freaking love word games)
Animal Crossing (Significantly less than last month, though)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (I got this for Brian for his birthday this year, and it has been a total win.)
Ask me anything
Is there anything you want to know about me? Any stories you want to hear about? Anything at all. You can ask through this survey link, and I’ll respond in this section next month.
Last month’s question: “What hair color are you going to do next?”

Just in time for my birthday, my stylist and I will be playing around with some serious rainbow locks. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with.