BlogHer13: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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As I’m still wrecked from this weekend, this will likely be the shortest of my BlogHer posts. A recap, even. But there will be more. So if you don’t want to hear about BlogHer, I suggest you return in August. When I start talking about GenCon. I know. Lucky you.

The Good

  • Queen Latifah emceed the Voices of the Year.
  • I got to spend some quality time with some of my favorite bloggers (and my best friend!)
  • I have a RIDICULOUS number of blog posts pre-written in my head. Including my very own interview with the glorious Dr. Travis Stork. Go ahead. If you don’t know who he is…Google him. But Google Image that shit, because DAYYYYUUUMMMM.
  • The Pioneer Woman, Pillsbury Doughboy, Optimus Prime and Me.
Pillsbury doughboy at BlogHer13
hee hee!
The Pioneer Woman at BlogHer13
I was SO much less obnoxious meeting her than I was with Jenny Lawson.
Seriously. Fucking Optimus Prime.
Seriously. Fucking Optimus Prime.
  • I got to meet Thoughts From Paris DJ. Who I can’t not call Paris. Because that’s his name in my head. And he (kinda) knew who I was. Which pleased me.
  • I got a LOT of free shit. I know it’s bad form to say I was all over the swag, but just like a pack of wild dogs on a 3-legged cat…I was AAAAALLLL up in the free shit business.
BlogHer13 Swag
That’s me…Hanging out with SOME of my free stuff. I went home with a double full suitcase, a duffel bag and 6 grocery bags full of stuff…which we then crammed into the car.
  • The best party? Queerosphere. They had cheese cheese and more cheese. And lamb chops. Best food I ate all weekend.
  • Somehow I made my way into the Disney movie party. And saw Delivery Man. A few months early.

The Bad

  • Queen Latifah was late.
  • I was almost always hungry.
  • I was tired.
  • I didn’t feel like I really related to a lot of the speakers that I saw. And then I couldn’t see them all because I had other places to be and things to do. It was a bit on the overwhelming side.
  • I was really hungry.

The Ugly

  • Queen Latifah was SO late that I was starving AND missed Austenland (though I DID still get the free bag and t-shirt)
  • OK, mostly I was always starving because of this gluten free nonsense. (Hey BlogHer, I’ve got some suggestions for next year! Actually, I’ve got a whole blog post about food coming up.)
  • Mostly I was Starving. With a capital S.
  • Did I mention how much I missed food? And eating on a regular schedule that included dinner?
  • The Best Buy Story. Tomorrow. You’ll see.

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19 Responses

  1. Yeah, these conventions or conferences can turn out to be marathons without people clapping for you at the end of it. Does Queen Latifah really write a blog herself. Somehow I doubt it. Probably has some flunky posting ‘interesting facts’ about her. Anybody that would recite a poem about Michael Jackson at his funeral fall in my category of celebrities I’m not interested in. Period 🙁

    Ok now I am jealous.
    It was good to meet you and eat spinach dip together.
    Btw, I was frick frackin’ hungry the whole weekend too.
    And I eat gluten.

    1. OMFG. Yes. And she is amazing. And you need to read my Jenny Lawson story. Because I’m SO flipping ridiculous.

      SO great to meet you and eat snacks. Next year, skipping BlogHer stuff and going out for real meals. I’ll buy the expo only just to do it, too!

  3. A girl cannot live on appetizers alone. That is the lesson I learned. The lack of dinner and the lack of time for dinner was frustrating. Of course, in the end I snuck away to have a nice dinner, so it was all good.

  4. Ignore my comment on Triberr, I got it to work. The part about Dr. Travis Stork made me laugh out loud, as did all your starving. What was with that??? Couldn’t they coordinate the meals better? I needed some serious snacks!

    1. I know! Next year, forget the full pass. I’m saving my money for dinner. Also I’m sad we didn’t meet either! You’re a Chi-ish bloggers, right? We should get drinks or something!

  5. Ooh, I remember Dr. Travis Stork on his season of the Bachelor! He was dreamy, a bit cocky but since he’s a hot doctor, I suppose he’s allowed.

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