Because OBVIOUSLY you missed him. He is sometimes funnier than me. And more often than not, he finds cooler things on the internet.
But life has been busy and he has not had a lot of time to share with me the cool things he finds on the internet. Like the article about dogs who fight and the male dog lets the female dog win (Yes, blog friends, I learned about this last night when Brian would NOT let me make decisions for our team while playing Ticket to Ride, even though all the other dudes let their ladies make the decisions…and I was stubborn and said “Fine!” like we were fighting and everyone was all “ooooohhhh! Should have said ‘yes, honey’…” and Brian was like, “Hey I read this cool article about how male dogs always let the female win if they’re fighting.” and I was all, “Why didn’t you show me THAT?!” And we were still fighting.
But. Because we switched off turns after that, we both got to do our own strategizing and managed to kick everyone’s ass and obliterate the competition and LOVE Ticket to Ride…. Yes, I meant to leave that “but” as it’s very own sentence. And yes, I realize that I am still in a parenthetical statement. And yes I realize that I am rambling on about a game we played last night. I had a very strong cup of Keurig coffee for breakfast and am ON FIRE today!) So basically I couldn’t find the article. But the male lets the female win. Did you hear that, BRIAN?
So a few days ago Brian and I had this G-chat conversation:
Me: Please feel free to resume sending random pictures and links. My blog friends miss you Brian: did they say that? did anyone comment on the Dark Matter article? I bet they didn’tAnd I guess it’s not so much a conversation as a comment and response, but whatever. I did not fix his grammar. (Even though my title is talking about my poor grammar and over use of parenthetical statements and the fact that I started every paragraph in this post with a conjunction and several sentences…AND have several run on sentences, but I blame coffee…I did it on purpose! Sort of.)
So go over to the Brian Shares post that sort of discusses Dark Matter (well, links to it anyways) and, for the love of God, comment on it, just to tell Brian that you have no idea what it means, but you love him anyways…otherwise this Saturday spot may cease to exist. Plus, no one needs to see my boyfriend cry. Especially not me.
He did FINALLY, after lots and lots of begging, offer me these two lovely pictures. On separate days.
If you don’t know this about me, you should. I have a dolphin obsession. Maybe it’s because they’re the only mammals, other than humans who fight and bang for pleasure. Maybe it’s because they’re so damn smart. Maybe it’s because I believe that I was a dolphin in a past life. I don’t know. But I love them. A lot. And Brian always threatens to eat dolphins. And I tell him that is mean and horrible. But then he sends me gifs like this (yes gif, not gift) and I still love him.
I love the dolphin chomp. It’s what I do to bubbles! I could watch this video for hours.
Superman Meets Dr. Who
So I’ve finally started watching Dr. Who from the beginning. (OK the reboot beginning…I am lazy and don’t REALLY want to watch a show from the 60’s). I had seen many episodes and enjoyed them. But for some reason Brian doesn’t always know the difference between me falling asleep because I’m bored or tired…so he never watches it with me. So in order to show him “Hey! I’ll watch this awesomeness with you!” I started watching old episodes to “catch up.”
He sent me this, which was RIGHT after I watched the episode where a space ship crashes into Big Ben. Which apparently happens a lot in Dr. Who? And Brian said to me, “This is why Superman doesn’t visit London.”
The End!
14 Responses
I can’t stop watching the dolphin chomp. It’s impossible to look away.
I know right?!?
dolphins too cool
Love you, Ma!
Three Cheers for Brian Shares!! I LOVE dolphins, Dolphin Chomps, Dr Who, London, Big Ben, Super Man, Chrissy, and now you too Brian! Please keep this shit up! I need this man!! Seriously, you made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
YAY! I need him too.
What ever happend to Brian’s response to the puppy video I sent you?
ZOMG! I forgot to write about that! Thank you! It will go into Saturday’s post for sure! Wheeeee!
YAY. Btw….have you seen the videos of Dolphin’s playing tag with seaweed?
NO!!! OMG But I WANT to!
I used to have a dog who’d chomp the bubbles like your dolphins. LOVE dolphins too!
I want a dog like that!
Love the dolphin chomp!! Too cool!
Dolphins are brilliant!