Aaaand because I was having some major difficulty posting…and now I am suddenly genius with computers, I was able to fix it. So I will direct you to my secret WordPress blog in which I talk about you behind your back write when I can’t get my blog to follow directions.
Top 10 Really Really Bad Romantic Comedies That I Love
Oh and while you’re here: Go vote for me on Picket Fences…because I need validation that you love my blog! All you have to do is click this button daily. No searching. No voting buttons. Just one click.
5 Responses
I voted. Yay me!
I’ve only seen two of these movies. Not sure what that says abou me except that I old and out of touch.
They are legit really bad movies. I just can’t help but lovers them.
Thanks for voting!
I haven’t seen any of these movies!! Are they really that bad?
They’re mostly just really really cheesy.