We are less than a day from the Disney+ launch we’ve been waiting our entire lives for. This is the streaming service that was truly made for me, as no programming will go unwatched. With that, I’ve decided to provide you with some insights as to what you should probably watch this week when you sign up for Disney+. I’ve also thrown in my wish list on the off chance that the magic makers up there at Disney randomly stumble upon this silly ole blog (though, I’ll be honest — I know nothing about movie rights or distribution stuff, so like…I get it. Sort of).

New content I’m anxiously awaiting
The World According to Jeff Goldblum.
We already know I think he’s one of the three sexiest men alive. He could literally watch paint dry and ramble about it, and I’d be first in line to listen. I think this MIGHT be my first watch on the service (after I cry my eyes out seeing almost everything I’ve ever loved from Disney — more on the almost later).
Wait. Okay. I lied. THIS is going to be the first thing I watch. It’s been snowing in Chicago since the last week of October. Christmas is here, motherfuckers (don’t @ me). Also, I love a Christmas movie, and I’m very much looking forward to a Christmas hero — who isn’t a dude — resonating deep in the caverns of my soul. Plus Anna Kendrick is pure magic.
The Imagineering Story
I love a good documentary, and one that’s about Disney Parks? I’m so here for it. When I love something as fully as I love Walt Disney World, I want to know everything about it. All the secrets, the backstage magic, the stories, the details. Everything. Having been on both the Marceline to the Magic Kingdom and Keys to the Kingdom tours at Walt Disney World, I am really looking forward to this deep dive into the parks. I could watch content like this all day long.
Classic content that I am so here for
This is definitely first-week viewing material. Adventure, magic, and Warwick Davis. I have so much nostalgia for this film, but I haven’t seen it since I was a child. I’m really looking forward to diving into this magical rabbit hole of memories.
The Princess Diaries
Anne Hathaway lives out my dreams of discovering her true identity as a princess and I couldn’t be more here for it. I’m looking forward to catching some serious couch time watching her transformation and subsequent love stories unfold. Again and again and again.
Lizzie McGuire
Someone asked me if they thought this show would hold up watching it as an adult. Honestly, I don’t know if I can be a true judge of this as 1. I’m definitely not an adult. 2. I love terrible things. and 3. I first watched Lizzie as an adult (sort of). It was our college, Saturday-afternoon, too-tired-to-do-anything-else show. So obvi I loved it.
Girl Meets World
Do you remember how obsessed I was when I binge-watched this magic back on the, uh, other streaming service? When I found Riley, it was like coming home. Sure, she was a kid and I was a grown-up. But Riley had so much of my spirit and heart and joy that she is one of the characters I’ve resonated with the most in all of television and movie history. Right up there with Liz Lemon and Clark Griswold, but more. I cannot wait to rewatch this series.
Content I’m hoping Disney brings as a Festivus miracle
One of my all-time favorite princess movies. I first saw Enchanted when it came to DVD, which I bought a lifetime ago. A week later, I made my best friend buy the Blu Ray version for his fancy Blu Ray player so we could watch the interactive quiz version. It was everything. I need this on my streaming service!
Flash Forward
Does anyone else even remember Flash Forward? And I’m not talking about the sci-fi TV show from 2009. I’m talking about the 1995 Disney/ABC show featuring Jewel Staite, whom I have loved ever since this and Space Cases (but that’s a show from another network) in the 90s. Anyways, Flash Forward was wonderful and I used to binge-watch it before binge-watching was a real thing. I vividly remember staying up all night watching reruns on The Disney Channel. Pretty please bring this baby to Disney+.
The Mighty Ducks
Listen, I grew up in the 80s and 90s. This trilogy of movies was everything. Sports movies were cool. Kids who were bad at sports were cool. By proxy, I also was cool. I haven’t seen these movies in decades, so I am ready to see if they hold up twenty years later. Gimme that flying V, Disney! Quack!
3 Ninjas
The first movie in this series was a Touchstone win. I still remember quoting every line of this movie and wishing I was also a ninja. And now I’m going to be over here chanting, “Rocky loves Emily” until Disney makes this movie available for streaming.
Well, gang, I’ve got a lot of Disney to watch (and only about 12 hours left to get everything else finished before my Disney-induced hibernation) so that’s all for now! What will you be watching first on Disney Plus? Are you already signed up for the streaming service or are you holding off? Let me know in the comments (and of course, I’m all for suggestions of what to watch next!)