So…I wanted to make a video reenacting the interview with Dr. McDreamy, as performed by Brian…but he said no. Or I didn’t ask him and dreamed it all up in my head. One of those.
Instead, I’ll give you the highlights. And the interview. And pictures. Because that’s what I do.
Also, I suppose I should restart by telling you what the hell I’m talking about.
At BlogHer (oh yes. That again. You thought I was done…silly humans blog friends) I was offered the opportunity to interview delicious respectable celebrity doctor, Dr. Travis Stork of The Doctors. Some of you may know him from The Bachelor in Paris (I’m not going to lie, I don’t actually watch reality TV but I can see why they chose him as The Bachelor. He’s pretty. Smart.)
I began the day by sitting in on the first half of his panel about health and wellness, presented by Simply Saline (the very kind sponsors who offered me the opportunity to interview Dr. Stork). During this time, much like a high school student completing their homework for 6th hour in 1st hour, I wrote up my questions for the interview scheduled for that afternoon. The following is what resulted (None of these are direct quotes…there is some author interpretation/liberties).
I did tell him I was a humor blogger…and that things would be a little more..well me…hopefully he’s cool with my…memory.
Me: In your panel, which I only saw half of before I snuck out to explore the expo floor you spoke about the importance of prevention. How can someone with a penchant for falling down, sprains, etc prevent injuries?
Dr. Stork: Footwear. What kind of shoes are you wearing?
Me: My shoes rock. They have arch support and everything!
Dr. Stork: Even those can catch and make you trip. You’ve got to watch where you’re walking. Railings are there for a reason. They joke about people not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time? That’s almost true. You’ve got to focus.
Me: My mom says that to me all the time. She loves you by the way. She wanted me to marry you.
Dr. Stork: Ignoring the last comment Aw well, tell your mom I say hi. Also, clothing. If you wear loose clothing, you can get caught up in it and that can make you fall.
Me: So you’re saying I should wear tighter clothes?
Dr. Stork: laughs Yeah, I guess so.
Me: When it comes to cuts, burns, and other kitchen injuries, what are some fast responses that can help minimize the injuries?
Dr. Stork: Cool water for both. It will soothe a burn and clean a cut. Most importantly, though, pay attention when you’re cooking.
Me: What are your thoughts on wheelie sneaks?
Dr. Stork: On what?
Me: Wheelie. Sneaks. You know? Sneakers with wheels on the bottom?
Dr. Stork: Oh like the kids shoes?
Me: And grown ups…
Dr. Stork: For you?!? Didn’t you just mention you fall down a lot?
Me: Maybe. giggle (This is where I casually touched his chest. Like it wasn’t planned or anything. Yes, that’s right. I touched his chest. Sorry Brian. )
Dr. Stork: Well I guess focusing is the biggest thing. And practice. And wearing a helmet.
Me: I practice at the grocery store, while holding onto the cart.
Dr. Stork: That doesn’t sound like the best idea for you…
Me: My mom says the same thing.
Dr. Stork: OK, I’ll make a deal with you. You can use the wheelie sneaks if you PROMISE to wear a helmet. You can tell your mom, when you fall down and hurt yourself, but don’t get a head injury, that I said it was okay and I’m the reason that you’re alive.
Me: Hmmm…
Dr. Stork: I’m serious. If I see you in the grocery store, you better be wearing a helmet.
Me: If you see me in the grocery store and say hi, I will ALWAYS wear a helmet.
Dr. Stork: Deal.
Me: Okay. SO I asked my readers for suggestions on what to ask you…and the questions they came up with were so inappropriate I couldn’t even say them out loud to you.
Dr. Stork: laughing I plead the fifth!
Me: Don’t worry, this is the only one I could share (THANKS A LOT YOU GUYS!) What pushed you into being a celebrity doctor?
Dr. Stork: I was at a bar after work, the network sat down with us, bought some drinks. A month later I was in Paris.
Me: Alrighty then.
The lady in charge: Time’s up.
Me: Two more questions!
The lady in charge: FAST.
Me: Trick question: Is there such a thing as too much cheese?
Dr. Stork: No?
Me: Good answer (You hear that?! A doctor said cheese is good for me!) Favorite unhealthy snack. Go.
Dr. Stork: Cheese. I mean brownies.
Then he hugged me.

So there you have it kids. He told me to pay attention and focus…apparently that’s how it’s done.
How’d I do in my first serious journalist interview with someone moderately famous? At least this time I didn’t make a complete ass of myself (unlike that one time with Jenny Lawson). Right? Right.
I was not compensated to write this post. I was given a goodie bag of products and granted the time to interview Dr. Stork.
27 Responses
PLEASE get a job interviewing politicos on TV. A little irreverence for stuffed shirts (not a bad title) would be refreshing. Not a bad interview at all!
I’ll see what I can do, Pops.
Well, by his responses I think he actually enjoyed the interview. Asking a couple off the wall questions (roller derby anybody?) about “wheelie sneaks” seemed to elicit sensible but funny response from him. Chrissy have you ever thought about doing stand up comedy? I think you’re a natural
I think he enjoyed it as well.
As far as stand up, one of my goals is to take an improv class, but I’m not sure I’m cut out for stand up…Tough crowds and all…
OMG!!!!. that was sooo…cool! It was a great interview and I agree with him…wear a helmet! love u
Glad you liked it Ma…I did it for you…and so that I could touch his famous man-chest.
Great interview and there’s never such a thing as too much cheese is an example of my kind of doctoring. Two thumbs up.
Thanks! He’s my kind of doctor too! Yum-O!
You are a legend! Well done. You touched his chest, and made him laugh. Legend.
Aw! I’m blushing!
Your interview was great but then you give this mindblowing pic at the end…of course, he looks pretty but you look awesome, girl!!
Thank you so much! You’re such a sweetheart!
I love this!! Love it. I cried from laughing. I have to remember this post for voices of the year next year. You are so funny. I want you on TV now. Today! I would even stay up late to watch.
I want to be on TV too!!
Just read your post to Jim…he laughed and laughed too.
Yay!! I love making people laugh!
You are hilarious. I love how casually the chest touch happened.
It just fit so well in the conversation…how could I not?!
I don’t see any way around it.
I love your sense of humor. Can you schedule more interviews with handsome celebrities?
Thanks! And I wish! I’ve been trying to snag Wil Wheaton forever. One day.
I’m wondering if you met my friend Stacey at the Simply Saline booth…she is a very good friend of mine and works for the company that makes Simply Saline. She and Travis “hang” all the time…I was supposed to be at BlogHer but had to cancel at the last minute. Stacey had invited me to go out to dinner with her and Travis one night at BlogHer and I was SOOO bummed I had to cancel my trip! Great photo of you and him (my friend Stacey sent me a similar photo of her and Travis). And your interview was GREAT!
Omigosh! I’m SOOO jealous! I may have met her–it’s possible she was the one who tried to cut me off with questions! I want to hang with him! I’m sorry you couldn’t make it out. He was super nice!
HA! Best interview EVER!!! Love it. Also, I don’t watch reality TV either (or anything not on Premium Cable because I’m weird) but might have to start…
Lol! I have to admit, I still don’t watch…but I follow him on Twitter!
Saw him on the Bachelor. Had a super crush!!
I don’t blame you! He’s gorgeous. And just as nice as he is pretty!