I’ve spent a lot of time writing posts to ensure that next week is covered, but I forgot to prepare for today!
Luckily, Brian has been extra awesome thanks to the wonderful compliments that he’s been receiving for his part in the Brian Shares Segment of my little blog.
Here are just a few of the things that he has sent me this week…
Ebeneezer, Our Future Sloth
For those of you who are new here, Brian and I had been discussing the possibility of a pet, when we realized that what we really wanted was a baby sloth. So from time to time, he sends me videos, pictures, and gifs of sloths to share with you. which is probably why sloth searches are the number 1 Google search that leads people here. Crazy sloth lovers.
What’s really funny about this, though, is that in order to ensure that I receive said pictures and videos, Brian often will send them to me via text, e-mail, and G-chat.
Dolphin Preachers
I realize that the term “Dolphin preacher” is ridiculous in its own right. But shit. Once you see this picture, I hope you laugh your ass off as much as I did. I was at Mom’s when I read it, and she told me I was going to hell. C’est la vie?
I think that I was a dolphin in another life, so I feel like I have a special bond with the sea faring mammals. In fact, I’ll be seeing my best friends soon enough (Read: THIS WEEK).
Bubble Sports
Brian sent this gif to me with the title: THIS LOOKS LIKE FUN! To me I thought: This looks like life! I NEED one of these. Desperately. Then I can happily make it through life without, you know, falling down.
Cool right?
Please. Please PLEASE tell me you know what I’m talking about. Because Brian didn’t. First, he sent me this adorable gif of bunnies.
And I responded with OMG yes! We need one! Please?!?! We could name him Bunnicula. And love him. And squeeze him. And feed him tomatoes!
And Brian responded… “Why Bunnicula?”
UGH! Only the greatest Bunny on the planet! Bunnicula, resident rabbit of the Howliday Inn. Obviously.
Cold as Fuck
It’s about to get cold here in the Chicagoland area… and just in case you are not as lucky as me to be escaping the brief cold weather of your home city, you should go pick up a pair of these sweet ass gloves. In fact, pick me up a pair while you’re at it. I’m going to be back in the Chi soon enough.
Scrabble Genius Bonus
Brian found this quick blurb about Scrabble and I figured that it was important to share it with you. Should the letter values in Scrabble change? I think not. But that is because I am an evil Scrabble genius, according to Katie.
4 Responses
OMG OMG OMG I totally loved the Bunnicula books when I was a kid. They were fantastic. I mean who doesn’t want to have a pet vampire rabbit. Although the Celery Stalks at Midnight wasn’t as good as the original. Btw….google tells me they ended up writing 7 books total, up till 2006!
Seriously. I told Brian that he should read them. But he just looked at me all crazy.
I literally laughed for 5 straight minutes at the Bunnicula taking the Nestle Plunge. If only the sloth did something as cute as falling backward. But that would require effort.
LOL. But the sloth is so darn cute all on his own!