It’s hard to believe that yet another week has gone by and it’s almost socially acceptable for me to put up my Christmas trees! (If you want a Christmas card from yours truly, send an e-mail with your info to quirkychrissy @ gmail.)
This week, I’ve come across some fun and interesting news articles to share with you. I hope that you’ll find them as enlightening and amusing as I did…
First on the list is public nudity in San Francisco. Why. Did. I. Not. Know. About. This? No pants? That sounds like an awesome idea. Why they want to ban it is beyond me. Let people run free. Without pants. Damn the man; save the empire!
Just let the naked guys be naked in peace.
This next bit of news is for my bestie in the whole world, Katie Belle. She writes at Words for Worms and you should read it because she’s fantastic. She has a slight penguin obsession (Read: HUGE LOVE OF PENGUINS). In this tricky situtation, endangered penguins have invaded a South African town. I think Katie would love it… Am I right?
Who doesn’t love penguins indeed?
With the legalization of marijuana in two states this election year, it’s not surprising that I came across a video of stoner dogs. While I may not have ever partaken of the get-Buck-stoned campaign…but I do know that my old dog was, on occasion, high. Of course, this was hilarious to all who witnessed it…and more often than not, it wasn’t even because of the weed. Veterinarian prescribed doggie downers cause the same stoned-dog results…As Buck was a bit on the scaredy dog side during storms…fireworks…loud noises…lots of people…he often needed a little…calming down. So, if you’re really looking to chill your pup out…talk to the vet, and save the dope for your human pals.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! GO BEARS!
2 Responses
I admit I kind of like the “naked guys” of SF. Not because I particularly enjoy seeing male genitalia parading down the street while I’m waiting in line for brunch, but because it’s one of the awesome quirks of SF that made me fall in love with this uber-liberal city. I’ll always be a nice Midwestern girl at heart though 🙂
Love it. I’ll have to go someday…as long as it doesn’t get banned. That would suck.