Sunday Morning News: Monkeys in Coats

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Monkeys in Little Monkey Jackets

Oh yes, Blog Lovers, you heard me. There was a monkey running around in Toronto…with a cute little monkey coat on! It was seriously the greatest news article I’ve read in a while. Brian actually shared it with me, but I wanted to save it for news day! Go read the article about the runaway monkey, then come back. I’ll wait. (Man, I wait on you guys to catch up a lot.)

Monkey in a Jacket outside IKEA

Several things. 1. As soon as I saw this, I tweeted it to my blog pal That Ash Girl. We have a shared love of adorable animals. 2. The monkey was in front of an IKEA. For those of you who don’t know, I despise IKEA for it’s cheap unattractive appeal. I’m a furniture snob. I get it. But I mean…you should see our couch. It’s friggin’ awesome. Brian always tells me how lucky he is…to have a couch as nice as ours.  3. The monkey was likely running away from IKEA, because like his fashion sense (the coat looked SO cute on him) his furniture sense of style is rock solid. Run Little Monkey! Be Free!


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3 Responses

  1. I felt so bad for the little dude. I mean he’s super cute but it’s illegal to have them as pets here because they can carry Hep B. His owners had to surrender him and he’s now living in a sanctuary just north of the city. His owners are fighting to get him back.

    The coat is FABULOUS!!

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