Fiction Friday: The Power of a Child
This is the next in a series of short fiction pieces that all mesh together. Feel free to catch up with the previous installments or
This is the next in a series of short fiction pieces that all mesh together. Feel free to catch up with the previous installments or
I’ll get to the point fast. The good cause? Katie’s impending 30th birthday. But the how I embarrassed myself part in 500 words or less?
Greetings Blog Friends! I’ve got a lot to tell you about meeting The Bloggess…but you’ll have to wait until next week, because today is Fiction
That title actually has nothing to do with this post. It was just necessary. Because today is the big day! The BLOGGESS. Is in. Chicago.
Sorry for not posting yesterday, friends! I had a lovely trek into the big city during the winter snow “storm” and think I may have
Thank God for Lily from It’s a Dome Life. Every post I’ve sat down to write today has been…either not suitable for publishing or needs
What? Posting non-news on a Sunday (when I haven’t even posted news in months)? Yep. Because I’m something of a attention whore, I’ve decided to
(Side bar: When you’ve finished reading today’s post, go read my guest post on Thoughts From Paris, and please comment, because I want him to
Greetings Blog Friends! Today I’ve got some amazing Friday fun for your! First, I’ve got Fiction Friday with the Fearless Fiction Femmes. If you’re looking
There are some things that I see and I think, Seriously? I look back on my own childhood and thank the world that I had
Everyone’s got at least one “vacation” that wasn’t a vacation at all. I, of course, have several. My mom probably thinks that I’m going to
Pushing 30 Can you write a memoir before age 30? Hell yes, you can. Especially when it sure as hell beats staring in the mirror