Wonder Twin Powers Activate!

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My brother and I are Irish twins. This means that our parents were super busy getting busy. And 10 months and 2 days after the birth of their first daughter, their only son joined the world. Bow chicka bow wow.

Reasons My Brother is Cooler Than Your Brother

My brother is awesome
No Mom, we aren’t ACTUALLY smoking cigars… (Yes, we are)
  • Even though I jumped on his head when he was a baby, he’s still really fucking smart. He reads voraciously, and plays strategy games, and is pretty much awesome.
  • He’s one of my favorite drinking buddies. Right up there with my dad. I’ll never forget, when I turned 21, he would always be at home waiting for us to bring the after party. 10 months later, he started bringing the after party, himself.
I have an awesome brother and sister
He’s a secret softie, you know…
  • Even though he wants me to use a crazy fucking amount of profanity when I talk about him, deep down, he’s totally got a sweet heart. (Go read that. It’s really cute.)
  • In high school, my brother was a participant in most of our shenanigans (including packing a huge crowd into Melba Toast and sneaking back into the house coming home from ‘da club).
  • We have matching tattoos. We got crazy drunk one St. Patrick’s Day and decided that we were going to do it. And several months later, sober, we still thought it was a great idea. And we did it. Whenever we show off our tats, one of us will say, “wonder twin powers, activate!”
Irish Twin Tattoos
The Irish Claddagh symbolizes friendship, loyalty, and love. Cupla is Gaelic for twins.
  • He’s a total fashion whore. Whenever I need a new outfit, I take him shopping. Because he’s honest. And tells me when I look awesome and when I look stupid. And sometimes I don’t really care either way.
My brother is a fashion whore.
He put together that entire birthday outfit. At the mall. He pulled the shirt, the jacket, and the belt from different racks and said, “Go put this on. Don’t fucking argue. Just do it.”

Gratuitous Irish Twin Photos

November 2007 032

Awesome Brother

The twins that party together get hungover together
For my birthday, I told him, “I don’t want a gift. I want you to come to NOLA with me.” And he did.

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5 Responses

  1. I have two favorite Brian stories. First is the time he bet Debra $20 to drink something gross. We all knew better than to bet Debra money, because we knew the lengths she’d go to for a dollar. Your mom told her to keep the money. Awesome. Also. He made us toffee. It rocked. That might have all been the same weekend. But whatever.

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