Wordless Wednesday: What Season is it Today in Chicago?
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Quirky Chrissy
A dreamer and a klutz, Chrissy is the sole proprietor of this blog. Her lifelong aspirations include owning a cheese shop, writing several books, and being played by someone famous in the movie version of her life.
I would tell you… but in five minutes, it will be different.
Generally though, today is a DOOM day. Flash flooding. Hail. Heavy Rain. Sustained winds 60-100mph (called a Derecho.) Basically, we should just call it a day now and go to Capital Grille. 🙂
4 Responses
Sounds about right.
Every day it’s different!
I would tell you… but in five minutes, it will be different.
Generally though, today is a DOOM day. Flash flooding. Hail. Heavy Rain. Sustained winds 60-100mph (called a Derecho.) Basically, we should just call it a day now and go to Capital Grille. 🙂
LOL. It wasn’t so bad until later…and by then I was home. *phew*