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Quirky Chrissy
A dreamer and a klutz, Chrissy is the sole proprietor of this blog. Her lifelong aspirations include owning a cheese shop, writing several books, and being played by someone famous in the movie version of her life.
You should. Because soon enough Tiny Small is going to be all “BIIIIIIIEBBBEEEERRRRR!” and you want to be armed with something better. Because nobody needs that.
10 Responses
Team Jacob here
Can I get a “hell yeah?!”
This is awkward, but I don’t know who Charlie is. He still wins by default though so Yay!
Lily, he’s the dad in Twilight. But in the picture that I’ve photoshopped in, he’s the Hottie McUncle on Revolution.
I’ve never Twilight. I probably should. That way I know who people are. I sound like an old lady. Get Off My Lawn!
You should. Because soon enough Tiny Small is going to be all “BIIIIIIIEBBBEEEERRRRR!” and you want to be armed with something better. Because nobody needs that.
Visiting you from Wordless Wednesday Bloggers. I was so happy to host last week. Thanks for linking up. See you this Wednesday.
Thanks for coming by!